Sometimes I when to town, and practiced reading. About a week ago a lady carrying a big mirror was walking by and dropped it, it was still good to look in, but the lady was frustrated, and left it there. So i went to pick it up.
Every day I was practiced smiling, cause maybe if I smile people will notice me less. I still did not know what was wrong with dark gray eyes. I also prayed to god for a new bar of soap and
During someday I would help out at this shops but they some what didn't need my help anymore.
I had been still laying on the boarder of the road, when an other car drove by and stopped.
An American couple steps out of the car. Americans were most likely good people, for they were the ones most hated. All that was wrong with them is that they spoke English very badly and always acted as if they were proud of possessing so much. But these American had possessed every thing except for petrol. That as why there car could not go any farther.
The women had been talking in a loud angry voice that did not sound at all pleasant, I was actually a lot more nervous then I usually did before asking them if they wanted any help.
When I had finally decided, to go help them at first they were glad I offered them help. I told them specifically that I didn't have the money to buy petrol with. So when I told them what i could do they didn't trust me. They said I would not return with the money. They started yelling at each other. So I took the money and said that they can take my bundle and when I return with a man to fill up there car they can give me my bundle back. The women and the man looked at me ashamed and said I should have something for my troubles I wanted it but I said firmly no and that I like to earn money sometime, but only when i want to. And that I don't need any money today Evan tough that was a lie. I added I am David and i belong to myself, and no one had any right over me.
So with that I left. And when I got back I didn't except the money but surprisingly , when i got back to my sleeping place I discovered that they had put two thousand Lire! There is also a letter, I had a difficult time reading that tough it took me about an hour. It said:
''Not all strange boys are honest you know.
But were sorry we suspected an honest boy.
We would be glad if you would make a use of this money
To show us that you have no hard felling towards us''
There is some more but I can't read it. Anyway with the two thousand lire, I could buy a new cake of soap, and I will be able to buy bread for many days, And maybe a comb to. But it is better to not be greedy Johannes hated people who were greedy. So maybe just the essential a new cake of soap and bread. So i will perhaps buy a cake of soap and no more,
The results were a new cake of soap, bread a comb, a pair of scissors to cut my hair and to treat myself... a bit of cheese.
Today I brushed my hair with the mirror in front of me. It hurt a lot but i got all the knot out, then with the scissors cut my hair they were really long.
There was one more thing more thing I needed to do I have seen a lot of lorry's, and a lot of people using theme but never had the guts to use them.
God of green pastures and still waters, I am David, And I am frightened.... not just ordinary fear that you always have but-worse then that. I want to beg a lift so that i can get quickly to an other country., but I daren't. If your strong enough to do something about what people think and feel inside them self. Then will you please take this fear away, just long enough for me to wave to a lorry? And if it isn't greedy to ask for two thing at once, will you let it be a good man, that comes in the next one? I haven't found anything i can do for you. I am David. Amen.
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