Last night I cried myself to sleep. The dog followed me and I was never able to take care of it. ''The dog came with me out of its own free will and it died because of it!'' That is what I keep telling myself.
I am in Denmark now. And I must continue what the dog wanted me to do. Get to Denmark and find my mother. And now that I am in Denmark, I must find her.
So I will beg a ride.
I am in a lorry and we have to cross the frontier again. The driver said that he will stow me away inside. He has two boys of his own. And that I had to get to the family I was speaking of, in my ''condition''. And that he could not even bring himself to give him to the officers.
Were in a town called Kolding, and the lorry driver has a friend, who said he can take me to Copenhagen.
I had meet several lorry driver. They didn't ask many questions. I also went on a ship. I lorry driver, bought me a ticket. A ship is way more volley than you think.
Its had a dinning room and the rooms are nice.
I am finally in Copenhagen. And the lorry driver told me that if I could give the address he could drive me directly to my mother. But I didn't have any address so I told him that it was in my bundle, i the back of the car. Of course I lied because he would grow suspicious. It has been many days since the dog died. And if I do not reach my mother then the dog had died for nothing.
I just found an address book. I looked. It took me a long time before I found people called Hjorth Fenfel. There were six of them. But only one with an E in front of her name. Her address was Strandvejen 758.
There are many lorry's that could understand English. Once I found a lorry who could I told her the address. She told me it was far.
I an finally here at 758 Strandvejen. Its been a long time since I am looking at it. Everything smells nice.
I am now in the house. This is how it went. I kept staring at it. And then a women came out. I just had to say. '' Madame mon nom est David... And she said'' David... mon fils...
And from now on I hope we will live happily ever after.
I am David
Beware this is a spoiler. I am basicly writing as if i were David. David is a 12 year old boy who grew up in a concertration camp. He is trying to survive his suden realise.
lundi 8 novembre 2010
Unexpected sacrifice
I am now in a city called Basle. I just noticed not Basle is partly in France. that is were Johannes used to live. He lived in a city called Alsace. I want to go as fast as possible but I must stop to look at it.
Its been two days since I wrote anything. I just found out that to get to France. I would have to cross a great river, and the frontier runs along it through the town. There also was a road-barrier and the soldiers and passports were to be inspected. So I will no go to Alsace. So I will now go beg a lift from a swiss.
There is another barrier, to go to Germany. So I will use the same technique.
I soon as I got off on the other side of the barrier, I went into the town and started walking. A car pulled up and stopped. I stopped also. King, I think sensed my fear and started growling at the man. The man started talking to me. he called me a vagabond ( which means tramp in French). He said that I slipped across the frontier, pretty nimbly. He asked me were I was going, I replied that I was going to Brunswick. Then he said that he is not going as far as that but that he will give me a lift to Frankfurt, if King can behave.
Its is hard to write in the car. It is very bumpy. So i will write some more when we get to Frankfurt.
The swiss was called Graf, and I had to fall upon the story of the circus. I told him I had been taken ill in Naples. It felt so wrong to lie to someone who seemed so kind and gentle. But I had to if I didn't want to go back to the camp. He told me that German money is called marks. He said that he thought I was not a rascal. And he asked me if I ran away from my parents. I said no and he believed me. But he did not believe my story of the circus.
And when we finally got to Frankfurt, he stood watching in tell I reached the corner of the street.
I have noticed that people are nervous when they first see King. Because he is big and looks like he will bite. But when they saw how he obeyed me so well, and how nice he was. They called him a ''Sheep in a wolfs clothing.''.
I always spoke to him quietly and politely to him. People did not understand why, I would speak this way to a dog. But King had chosen to go with me. And he should remain a free.
He is clever to. I hear people say that dogs are as smart as a human being. But I think that a dog id a dog, and a human is a human. You can not be as clever as something different.
But I must not rely to much on King's protection. Dogs could bite. But they can not get the better of them.
I don't know how long I had been walking, but I saw....''Them''. I am laying still be hide a bush. King is being quiet. I have to get passed them. I don't know what to do. I will write what happens later., for good. I had thought that my life would end there. Shot by a riffle. And so I prayed. I remember exactly what I said:
'' God....God of the green pastures and the still waters. I've one promise and help left, but its to late now. You can't do anything about this. I don't mean to be rude, because I know you're very strong, and you can make those men down there, want to walk away for a bit. but they won't. They don't know you see, and there not afraid of you. But they are afraid of the commandant because he'll have them shot if they leave their posts. So you can see that their nothing you can do now. but please don't think I'm blaming you. It was my own fault for not seeing the danger in time. I shall run....Perhaps you'll see they aim straight, so it doesn't hurt before I die. I am so frightened of things that hurt. NO, I forgot. I've only one promise of help left, and it's more important you help the dog get away and find some good people to live with. Perhaps they'll shoot straight anyway, but if they don't it can't be helped: you must save the dog because it once tried to protect me. Thank you for having been my God: I'm glad I chose you. And now I must run, for if I leave it any longer I shan't have the courage to die.
I am David Amen.''
King kept whimpering he wanted to go back the way he came from. I told him, that its to late. I told him to sit still and that when they shoot me that he can get away by himself. King kept licking my face, and wiggling like it wanted to get up.
And then he jumped out of cover...Before I could stop him.
As soon as he went I understood what he wanted to do. He wanted to take my place!
He barked loudly sprinting towards them. He wanted me to run! And so I did as fast as I could as soon as I was out of breath I stopped. Then I heard a gun shot and a loud and strange noise from the dog....He died.
He scarified himself He shouldn't have done it!
Its been two days since I wrote anything. I just found out that to get to France. I would have to cross a great river, and the frontier runs along it through the town. There also was a road-barrier and the soldiers and passports were to be inspected. So I will no go to Alsace. So I will now go beg a lift from a swiss.
There is another barrier, to go to Germany. So I will use the same technique.
I soon as I got off on the other side of the barrier, I went into the town and started walking. A car pulled up and stopped. I stopped also. King, I think sensed my fear and started growling at the man. The man started talking to me. he called me a vagabond ( which means tramp in French). He said that I slipped across the frontier, pretty nimbly. He asked me were I was going, I replied that I was going to Brunswick. Then he said that he is not going as far as that but that he will give me a lift to Frankfurt, if King can behave.
Its is hard to write in the car. It is very bumpy. So i will write some more when we get to Frankfurt.
The swiss was called Graf, and I had to fall upon the story of the circus. I told him I had been taken ill in Naples. It felt so wrong to lie to someone who seemed so kind and gentle. But I had to if I didn't want to go back to the camp. He told me that German money is called marks. He said that he thought I was not a rascal. And he asked me if I ran away from my parents. I said no and he believed me. But he did not believe my story of the circus.
And when we finally got to Frankfurt, he stood watching in tell I reached the corner of the street.
I have noticed that people are nervous when they first see King. Because he is big and looks like he will bite. But when they saw how he obeyed me so well, and how nice he was. They called him a ''Sheep in a wolfs clothing.''.
I always spoke to him quietly and politely to him. People did not understand why, I would speak this way to a dog. But King had chosen to go with me. And he should remain a free.
He is clever to. I hear people say that dogs are as smart as a human being. But I think that a dog id a dog, and a human is a human. You can not be as clever as something different.
But I must not rely to much on King's protection. Dogs could bite. But they can not get the better of them.
I don't know how long I had been walking, but I saw....''Them''. I am laying still be hide a bush. King is being quiet. I have to get passed them. I don't know what to do. I will write what happens later., for good. I had thought that my life would end there. Shot by a riffle. And so I prayed. I remember exactly what I said:

I am David Amen.''
King kept whimpering he wanted to go back the way he came from. I told him, that its to late. I told him to sit still and that when they shoot me that he can get away by himself. King kept licking my face, and wiggling like it wanted to get up.
And then he jumped out of cover...Before I could stop him.
As soon as he went I understood what he wanted to do. He wanted to take my place!
He barked loudly sprinting towards them. He wanted me to run! And so I did as fast as I could as soon as I was out of breath I stopped. Then I heard a gun shot and a loud and strange noise from the dog....He died.
He scarified himself He shouldn't have done it!
A letter to Carlo
I am sitting at the Chery-Blossom tree. And thinking of Maria made me think of Carlo. I am thinking that Carlo, is perhaps not evil...but maybe just stupid. And also it made me think of the news paper, I saw in Milan. And that maybe I should write back. I still remember their address. So I went into town and bought a stamp, a letter and some paper. I will write a letter to Carlo saying that I no longer think he is evil, but I have to practice here before I actually write down anything on the nice paper.
'' To Carlo,
Carlo, I want you to know I'm no longer so sure you're bad. Perhaps you're only stupid. And so I'll stop hating you, because I only hate those who are evil. But if you ever use force again, and I get to know about it, then I shall hate you again. Will you thank you're parents for writing the letter in the paper. I saw it. And will you say I've written to you. Tell you're parents and Andrea and the two little ones and Maria. Tell Maria first, that I've seen a tree full of bloom, thats made me think of her.
I wrote Carlo on the envelope and then the children's father's full name.. And then that the house lays in Italy. It took me some time to find a letter-box. but after a while I finally found one.
Today I earned money at the station in Lucerne. I had to spend more now that I had to feed the dog. In the last few days, I enjoyed walking with the dog. So I dog not need to beg a lift.
'' To Carlo,
Carlo, I want you to know I'm no longer so sure you're bad. Perhaps you're only stupid. And so I'll stop hating you, because I only hate those who are evil. But if you ever use force again, and I get to know about it, then I shall hate you again. Will you thank you're parents for writing the letter in the paper. I saw it. And will you say I've written to you. Tell you're parents and Andrea and the two little ones and Maria. Tell Maria first, that I've seen a tree full of bloom, thats made me think of her.
I wrote Carlo on the envelope and then the children's father's full name.. And then that the house lays in Italy. It took me some time to find a letter-box. but after a while I finally found one.
Today I earned money at the station in Lucerne. I had to spend more now that I had to feed the dog. In the last few days, I enjoyed walking with the dog. So I dog not need to beg a lift.
The Chery-Blossom

I am now in the country, it is very beautiful. There are great big mountains, and there peaks are beautiful to look at. But I found something more beautiful of all. On top of a small hill there was a tree with pink flowers. I think it is called a Chery-Blossom. It reminds me of Maria. It made me smile. I had not smiled in a long time.
The Chery-Blossoms flowers are so delicate... just like Maria.
My escape
So far the farmer did not notice anything. Because I put a bucket in front of the hole, so that the farmer won't be able to see it. But I am growing sleepy during the day. And I think the farmer is beginning to notice, why I don't put as much effort into my work. The hole is still not big enough for me. It will take a few more weeks perhaps.
I will write again when it is finally time to escape.
It is not time to escape but I have got something really important to write. The dog protected me again once more, and this time as I was listening to the farmer. He told his wife, that I would have to be handed in to the police right away because I have gotten hold of the dog.
That means I have to get away tonight.
Finally the hole is big enough for me to crawl out. I will have to use a broom stick. Because There is still some snow outside beside the stable. I should be OK. I will have to make my escape quick so that if the farmer notices any noise coming out of the stables or just to go bring me to the police, I will already be gone. I will write again when I will be far enough, from the farm.
My escape went well. King decided to follow me. I had told him no, because with the farmer he gets food every day. But when I woke up the next day he was there lying next to me.
So every night it is warmer. And I liked him he his a good companion.
I will write again when it is finally time to escape.
It is not time to escape but I have got something really important to write. The dog protected me again once more, and this time as I was listening to the farmer. He told his wife, that I would have to be handed in to the police right away because I have gotten hold of the dog.
That means I have to get away tonight.
Finally the hole is big enough for me to crawl out. I will have to use a broom stick. Because There is still some snow outside beside the stable. I should be OK. I will have to make my escape quick so that if the farmer notices any noise coming out of the stables or just to go bring me to the police, I will already be gone. I will write again when I will be far enough, from the farm.
My escape went well. King decided to follow me. I had told him no, because with the farmer he gets food every day. But when I woke up the next day he was there lying next to me.
So every night it is warmer. And I liked him he his a good companion.
The farmer's plan
I am working hard every day. So that the farmer will keep him imprisoned for as long a he could. And when he could no longer hide the fact that spring was here. And there is no more snow to help him guard me. He would call the police. At that could be the end.
So I am cutting through the wall. But the farmer will notice the very first night. So I will write down my prayer down first. Actually I do not have time. The farmer id bound to get me any second. I will pray and then then write down, what I prayed for.
I asked the God of the green pastures and the still waters, what I have done wrong. That I have saved Maria from the fire, so I could thank him. And that he must know that the farmer and his family are evil. And that I know he got Sophie to paint me so that I could discover my parents and my past.
I told him that he is cruel like the farmer, and like Carlo, and all that belongs to them. And that I think he will never help me because he is tired of me.
I am now also frightened because I think God will grow terribly angry at me. And that maybe he takes hostages just like ''Them''. He he is cruel. I waited patiently all winter. Without a single word. And he let the farmer bar the door.
I am grateful for King, because last night the farmer grew terribly mad at me and King went up to him and growled at him. He saved me from the farmer. I will continue each night to make a hole big enough in the wall so when the time comes I can escape.
So I am cutting through the wall. But the farmer will notice the very first night. So I will write down my prayer down first. Actually I do not have time. The farmer id bound to get me any second. I will pray and then then write down, what I prayed for.
I asked the God of the green pastures and the still waters, what I have done wrong. That I have saved Maria from the fire, so I could thank him. And that he must know that the farmer and his family are evil. And that I know he got Sophie to paint me so that I could discover my parents and my past.
I told him that he is cruel like the farmer, and like Carlo, and all that belongs to them. And that I think he will never help me because he is tired of me.
I am now also frightened because I think God will grow terribly angry at me. And that maybe he takes hostages just like ''Them''. He he is cruel. I waited patiently all winter. Without a single word. And he let the farmer bar the door.
I am grateful for King, because last night the farmer grew terribly mad at me and King went up to him and growled at him. He saved me from the farmer. I will continue each night to make a hole big enough in the wall so when the time comes I can escape.
The dog
They think they are letting me suffer leaving me in the sable and hitting my but it is actually do my advantage. I could of died tramping the road, here at least I have got shelter. Sometimes in the stable it would get cold and sometimes some snow would drift in but all the animals added some warmth to it.
And it is dark, but I am not afraid of the dark. The only thing I am afraid of is people. And at night time the stable is mine and I like being alone to think, and to be left alone in peace. In the camp you were never left alone.
The dog shares the stables with me. I always thought of dogs a enemies. But I have learned that some people keep dog as pet so some can be nice. And this particular dog is nice to and the farmer and his family treat him as good as me. This dog is big and black. At night he would come and sleep with me. He is warm. And sometimes I would pet him. The dog had a name from what I heard the farmer call him. His name was king.
The farmer rarely struck it because it is a good sheep-dog. And in the summer when the animals were out to graze, the farmer could not live with out him. And when King saw me he would wag his tail.
Today I got up and it felt warm. In the wall there was a crack and a ray of sunlight went across. This is a good sin, that spring is on its way. And I will finally be able to leave.
And it is dark, but I am not afraid of the dark. The only thing I am afraid of is people. And at night time the stable is mine and I like being alone to think, and to be left alone in peace. In the camp you were never left alone.

The farmer rarely struck it because it is a good sheep-dog. And in the summer when the animals were out to graze, the farmer could not live with out him. And when King saw me he would wag his tail.
Today I got up and it felt warm. In the wall there was a crack and a ray of sunlight went across. This is a good sin, that spring is on its way. And I will finally be able to leave.
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