Its been two days since I wrote anything. I just found out that to get to France. I would have to cross a great river, and the frontier runs along it through the town. There also was a road-barrier and the soldiers and passports were to be inspected. So I will no go to Alsace. So I will now go beg a lift from a swiss.
There is another barrier, to go to Germany. So I will use the same technique.
I soon as I got off on the other side of the barrier, I went into the town and started walking. A car pulled up and stopped. I stopped also. King, I think sensed my fear and started growling at the man. The man started talking to me. he called me a vagabond ( which means tramp in French). He said that I slipped across the frontier, pretty nimbly. He asked me were I was going, I replied that I was going to Brunswick. Then he said that he is not going as far as that but that he will give me a lift to Frankfurt, if King can behave.
Its is hard to write in the car. It is very bumpy. So i will write some more when we get to Frankfurt.
The swiss was called Graf, and I had to fall upon the story of the circus. I told him I had been taken ill in Naples. It felt so wrong to lie to someone who seemed so kind and gentle. But I had to if I didn't want to go back to the camp. He told me that German money is called marks. He said that he thought I was not a rascal. And he asked me if I ran away from my parents. I said no and he believed me. But he did not believe my story of the circus.
And when we finally got to Frankfurt, he stood watching in tell I reached the corner of the street.
I have noticed that people are nervous when they first see King. Because he is big and looks like he will bite. But when they saw how he obeyed me so well, and how nice he was. They called him a ''Sheep in a wolfs clothing.''.
I always spoke to him quietly and politely to him. People did not understand why, I would speak this way to a dog. But King had chosen to go with me. And he should remain a free.
He is clever to. I hear people say that dogs are as smart as a human being. But I think that a dog id a dog, and a human is a human. You can not be as clever as something different.
But I must not rely to much on King's protection. Dogs could bite. But they can not get the better of them.
I don't know how long I had been walking, but I saw....''Them''. I am laying still be hide a bush. King is being quiet. I have to get passed them. I don't know what to do. I will write what happens later., for good. I had thought that my life would end there. Shot by a riffle. And so I prayed. I remember exactly what I said:

I am David Amen.''
King kept whimpering he wanted to go back the way he came from. I told him, that its to late. I told him to sit still and that when they shoot me that he can get away by himself. King kept licking my face, and wiggling like it wanted to get up.
And then he jumped out of cover...Before I could stop him.
As soon as he went I understood what he wanted to do. He wanted to take my place!
He barked loudly sprinting towards them. He wanted me to run! And so I did as fast as I could as soon as I was out of breath I stopped. Then I heard a gun shot and a loud and strange noise from the dog....He died.
He scarified himself He shouldn't have done it!
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