Most of the way is familiar to me because me and the children often went on this road and often played around here. Andrea's clothes are very use full and I have two outfits. The darkness does not trouble me. Because I as I said I am now familiar with these parts. Also I keep my shoes on only at night. Because in the day I can see were all the rocks and things are, but at night it is hard to see. It is also getting colder every night. That is why I keep them on. I will have to stop at a Town called Florence because I do not have any food and I am growing hungry. I still have a lot of money from the American's.
I must also keep in mind the countries that Maria and Andrea showed me. I must first go to, Switzerland, and then to, Germany, and finally Denmark.
I just left Florence. Its been a few days since that last entry. There were many beautiful things in Florence. There are roads with bridges over them, status, and a church...
I think a lot about the parents and my letter.But most of all Maria.
I will beg a lift the next day to get a ride to Bologna.

I am in the church... Its is so...wonderful and peaceful.There are glass windows with paintings on them. And there is a man kneeling at one of theme he is dressed in black and he is saying something softly. I think its Latin. I don't know Latin, except for a few words. I will write in it later.

I will write down in here what the priest said while I can still remember it:
''The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me besides the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his names sake. Ye, through I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art, with me.'' Thats all for now
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